Kuressaare Kuursaal head chef Toomas Leedu.
18. June 2021

Kuressaare Kuursaali restorani peakokk Toomas Leedu.
That’s right. Fresh fish comes to Kursaal’s kitchen directly from fishermen’s boats. In the kitchen, fresh seafood is prepared following years of island traditions. Nothing more is needed to firmly hold the title of the best restaurant in the island’s capital.
Everything on the plate is grown on the island. The chefs do not consider themselves artists, but simply choose the most appropriate kitchen equipment to maximise the flavour of the food. The result is that during the whitefish season, every other restaurant in Estonia suddenly offers quick-salted whitefish. However, to get the most authentic flavour, you still have to drive to Kuressaare Kursaal.
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